“Teamwork Makes the Dream Work” - An interview with Julia Baker of BFT Land Design
“Teamwork DOES make the dream work”. BFT Land Design’s Julia Baker sat down with the CanvasRebel blog to share about forming BFT Land Design with longtime friends and partners, as well as the priority of family, the joy of grandparenthood and more.
“I stumbled into Landscape Architecture without even knowing it existed. I was sent on a temporary administrative job October 1,1991. Because of that assignment, my enthusiastic efforts and abilities, cosmic timing in life of preparedness, innate skills, and opportunity changed my life profoundly.”
Julia Baker with eight of her ten, soon to be eleven, grandchildren.
Meet Julia Baker
Published November 14, 2022 on CanvasRebel blog.
We were lucky to catch up with Julia Baker recently and have shared our conversation below.
CR: Alright, Julia thanks for taking the time to share your stories and insights with us today. Almost all entrepreneurs have had to decide whether to start now or later? There are always pros and cons for waiting and so we’d love to hear what you think about your decision in retrospect. If you could go back in time, would you have started your business sooner, later or at the exact time you started?
Julia: Fingers crossed that I don’t put a hex on us, our business at the age of eight months has been so much more wonderful and fulfilling than we could have ever expected.
Later I give the backstory on why we formed our business, but I can share why we love our business and why I value my two partners, Mamie Finch and Ed Tessier.
This year, Mamie (Finch) welcomed her first child. With the structure we have created she has been able to prioritize her family. I could elaborate, but to prioritize your family says it all.
This year I have had to navigate moving my parents from their condo to independent living. Taking “165 years of memories and supporting items” and reducing it to 1100 square feet. There have been weeks when I was daily called to be present. Our partnership prioritized this life journey with them taking care of what needed to be taken care of at the officeso I could take care of life.
This year Ed (Tessier) has had volleyball and hockey games, family vacations, and a parent with early memory loss. Again – with the support of the two other corners on the triangle we have each been able to do what we need to do without worry or stress that what needs to get done will get done.
CR: Julia, we love having you share your insights with us. Before we ask you more questions, maybe you can take a moment to introduce yourself to our readers who might have missed our earlier conversations?
I stumbled into Landscape Architecture without even knowing it existed. I was sent on a temporary administrative job October 1,1991. That assignment. My enthusiastic efforts and abilities, cosmic timing in life of preparedness, innate skills, and opportunity changed my life profoundly.
CanvasRebel’s mission is to create a space for artists, creatives and entrepreneurs to be able to learn from their peers through the magic and power of storytelling.
Read the rest of “Meet Julia Baker” on the CanvasRebel blog HERE.